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Herkeze merhaba arkadaşlar Minecraftta hiç telefon gördünüzmü artık buda mümkün
Rehber BölümüHerkeze merhaba arkadaşlar Minecraftta hiç telefon gördünüzmü artık buda mümkün
Kendine Has Arama Sistemi
Telefona Özel Gui
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#Telefon Skripti V1
#By: ZUberWol
p: &3Telefon &8>&7
command /telefon [<text>]:
if arg 1 isn't set:
execute player command "/me cebindeki telefonu yavaşça eline alır."
open virtual chest with size 3 named "&3 Telefon" to player
make gui slot 0,1,7,8,9,10,16,17,18,19,25,26 of player with black glass named "" with lore "" to nothing
make gui slot 3 of player with green wool named "&2Rehber" with lore "Birini Numarasıyla Aramaktan Bıktın Mı? || Hemen Tıkla Ve Birini Kaydet!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/telefonrehber"
command /telefonrehber [<text>]:
if arg 1 isn't set:
open virtual chest with size 3 named "&2 Rehber" to player
make gui slot 0,1,7,8,9,10,16,17,18,19,25,26 of player with black glass named "" with lore "" to nothing
make gui slot 4 of player with green wool named "&2Rehberine Birini Ekle" with lore "&2Rehberine Birini Mi Eklemek İstiyorsun? || Burdan Ekleyebilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
set {rehbereklemebekleniyor::%player%} to 1
send "{@p} &2Rehbere Ekleyeceğiniz Kişinin İsmini Yazınız!" to player
make gui slot 23 of player with green wool named "Rehber" with lore "&2Rehberine Eklediğin Kişileri Burdan Arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/telefonrehber kisiler"
if arg 1 is "kisiler":
open virtual chest with size 4 named "&2 Kişiler" to player
make gui slot 0 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber1isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber1isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber1numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 1 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber2isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber2isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber2numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 2 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber3isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber3isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber3numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 3 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber4isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber4isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber4numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 4 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber5isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber5isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber5numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 5 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber6isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber6isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber6numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 6 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber7isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber7isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber7numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 7 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber8isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber8isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber8numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 8 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber9isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber9isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber9numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 9 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber10isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber10isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber10numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 10 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber11isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber11isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber11numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 11 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber12isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber12isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber12numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 12 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber13isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber13isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber13numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 13 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber14isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber14isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber14numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
make gui slot 14 of player with gray glass named "&3%{rehber15isim::%player%}%" with lore "&7%{rehber15isim::%player%}% isimli kişiyi buradan arayabilirsin!" to run:
close player's inventory
wait 3 ticks
execute player command "/ara %{rehber15numara::%player%}%"
send "&2Aranıyor..." to player
on chat:
if {rehbereklemebekleniyor::%player%}:
set {rehber%{ashdhahds::%player%}%isim::%player%} to message
send "{@p} Rehbere Ekleyeceğiniz Kişinin Numarasını Yazınız!" to player
delete {rehbereklemebekleniyor::%player%}
set {rehbernumaraeklemebekleniyor::%player%} to 1
if {rehbernumaraeklemebekleniyor::%player%}:
set {rehber%{ashdhahds::%player%}%numara::%player%} to message
send "{@p} &4Başarıyla Kişiyi Rehberinize Eklediniz!" to player
delete {rehbernumaraeklemebekleniyor::%player%}
add 1 to {ashdhahds::%player%}
if {telefonkonusuyor::%player%} is set:
send "%{@p}% &4%{rpgisim::%player%}% &3diyor ki: &8%message%" to "%{aramadakonustugukisi::%player%}%"
if {telefonkapandi::%player%} is set:
delete {arama::%player%}
delete {telefonkonusuyor::player}
delete {arayan::%loop-player%}
delete {telefonkapandi::%player%}
wait 2 ticks
delete loop player
command /ara [<int>]:
if arg 1 is set:
loop all players:
if arg 1 is "%{telno::%loop-player%}%":
set {arama::%player%} to "%loop-player%"
set {araniyor::%loop-player%} to "%player%"
open virtual chest with size 3 named "&2Arama %player%" to loop player
make gui slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 black glass named " " with lore " " to nothing
make gui slot 11 green dye named "&2Kabul Et" with lore "&7%player% adlı kişinin aramasını || kabul et!" to run:
close player's inventory
execute player command "/arama kabulet"
delete loop player
make gui slot 15 red dye named "&4Reddet" with lore "&7%player% adlı kişinin aramasını || reddet!" to run:
close player's inventory
execute player command "/arama reddet"
delete loop player
command /arama [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "kabulet":
if {araniyor::%player%} is set:
send "%{@p}% &2Arama Kabul Edildi!" to "%{araniyor::%player%}"
set {aramadakonustugukisi::%player%} to "%{araniyor::%player%}%"
set {aramadakonustugukisi::%{araniyor::%player%}%} to "%player%"
set {telefonkonusuyor::%player%} to 1
set {telefonkonusuyor::%{araniyor::%player%}%} to 1
delete {araniyor::%player%}
if arg 1 is "reddet":
if {araniyor::%player%} is set:
send "%{@p}% &4Arama Reddedildi!" to "%{araniyor::%player%}%"
loop all players:
if loop player is "%{araniyor::%player%}%":
delete {arama::%loop-player%}
delete {araniyor::%player%}